Stephen Birthday 2013

Turtle in Driveway

VBS 2013 Finale

Victoria Harbor lights star filter

Views from the Sheraton in Kowloon

Siding Frog?

Shenzhen Sunirese from the Sheraton

Shenzhen Futian Flowers and Park

Shark Reef - Mandalay Bay

Rainy Day Around the House

Rachel's Party

Rachel Rock Dam

Rachel 18th birthday

Pouring the floor

Late Summer Tubing

Old Stomping Grounds

Oliver - David

Playing with my new star filter

Lamma Island

Labor Day Weekend Rainy Day

Kowloon Park

July 5 2013 on the water

July 4th Parade 2013

Harbor Walk Kowloon Oct 2014

Ice-in Sunsets

HK photo board

Hoover Dam and wildfire July 2013

July 4th Activities 2013

Grand Marais Oct 13

Floor Decking

Ericksons cabin 8-7-2013

Erickson's Cabin 8-8-2013

David and Stephen tearing up the trails at night

Church Construction March 24

Coffee Day

Church Construction March 31

Crosswoods with Amy

Church Construction March 21

Church Construction March 17 2014

Church Construction April 4 2014

Christmas Eve Dinner singing and Message

Christmas at Home 2014

7-13-2013 preping for floor pour

Burning the 50 lakes PO

Boats in and around Victoria Harbor

6-6-2013 Pouring Footings

Caribbbean NaVenture

6-3-2013 Building Forms for Footings

11-29-2013 Thanksgiving 2013

11-28 Thanksgiving 2013

11-27 Thanksgiving 2013